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James Dolan: 'I don't really like owning teams'

Rich Graessle / Getty Images Sport / Getty

While the New York Knicks and New York Rangers are "near and dear" to his heart, it turns out James Dolan isn't too fond of his responsibilities as CEO of Madison Square Garden Sports.

"I don't really like owning teams," Dolan told Katherine Rosman of The New York Times.

Dolan previously considered adding another professional team to his portfolio but called the economics of major-league sports "kind of sleepy."

An MSGS spokesperson later reached out to clarify, stating that "Mr. Dolan loves the Knicks and Rangers."

The 68-year-old has held his current position since 1999.

Over the past two decades, Knicks fans haven't been shy voicing their displeasure about Dolan.

Many have been ejected from Madison Square Garden for holding up "sell the team" signs. Dolan said those signs violate the venue's code of conduct, which prohibits spectators from harassing the arena's workers.

"I am an employee," Dolan said.

He added: "We don't want you there. ... (The signs are) directed at, on a personal basis, the guy who's in charge: me."

The Knicks haven't won a title during Dolan's 24-year ownership. The Rangers have made one Stanley Cup Final appearance.

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